Office 365 Roadmap

Office 365 Roadmap updates

Cyber Security for The Modern Workplace: What You Need to Know To Protect Your Company

The digital transformation is happening all around us. In fact, it’s going to keep happening until everything we do is digital. That’s the good news. The bad news? The digital transformation comes with some new risks that your company needs to start thinking about right now.


Technology advances, and defences improve, but some things remain constant, such as human gullibility, which may be exploited simply through social engineering.

What is a hosted desktop?

Companies can use hosted desktops to run virtual machines on desktop computers. Because applications and data remain in the datacenter, there are several advantages in terms of security and control.

Cybersecurity Questions that All CEOs Need to Ask

The best business decisions are frequently made based on senior leadership’s trust in facts, figures, and calculations produced by appropriate parties within the organisation. Relying on gut instinct—or, worse, potentially false or incomplete information—is a risky path to take, particularly in cybersecurity.

Everything you need to know about Managed IT Services

Managed IT services involve outsourcing the responsibility of maintaining, analysing and anticipating the need for the services of IT operations.

Cyber Security for small businesses

Cyber security is when technologies, processes and controls are applied to protect one’s system, device, data and network from cyber attacks. Cyber security is important to prevent cyber attacks, and reduce the risk of your systems, networks or data from being...

8 tips for avoiding phishing, malware, scams, and hacks while holiday shopping online

The holiday season isn’t just busy for shoppers–it’s busy for cybercriminals, too. Here’s a holiday shopping safety guide with advice on how to stay safe online.

8 strategies to keep legacy systems running

Dependencies on legacy hardware and software are typically the bane of IT, as stakeholders demand continued access to deprecated platforms. Here’s how to ease the pain.

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